Crosslinking Success for a Future Marine


David wanted to join the Marines but was told he couldn’t because of his vision. After what we can imagine to be a major let down, David went to an optometrist that was recommended by the Marines and that doctor diagnosed him with the condition we call Keratoconus. As most of us (who do not…

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Crosslinking Success for a Future Marine

Dr. Charles Kaiser is interviewed on local 88.9 FM


Yesterday, April 30, 2013, Dr. Charles Kaiser was interviewed by local radio station 88.9 FM WDNA Serious Jazz about cataracts, laser cataract surgery and dry eyes. Dr. Kaiser explained what a cataract is, how it is formed, what causes it, and how it is treated. When he mentioned that age and exposure to UV light…

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Dr. Kaiser

Dr. Buznego & Justin Timberlake


Dr. Buznego’s magazine debut pic and Justin Timberlake’s album cover….COINCIDENCE?! We think not! Dr. Carlos Buznego was featured in 100 Latinos magazine last month (as reported in our earlier blog) and Justin Timberlake released his brand new album “The 20/20 Experience” last week on March 19th. We are pretty sure JT was paging through the…

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Visian ICL Success Story – Dr. Frank Spektor


Nothing hits closer to home than a REAL patient’s REAL story about surgery. This is a real testimony from a patient of our very own Dr. Frank Spektor’s. Dr. Spektor performed her VIsian ICL surgery in January of this year and she sat with us to describe her experience. When Kristi came in to talk…

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