Dr. William Trattler featured in Ocular Surgery News: How to be a Better Femtosecond LASER Cataract Surgeon
Our very own Corneal specialist Dr. William Trattler was featured in Ocular Surgery News! This marks two of our surgeons being featured in this spectacular, highly respected ophthalmic publication! Dr. Trattler explains in this incredibly insightful article, how to be a better femtosecond laser cataract surgeon. To read more about Dr. William Trattler’s article, please click on the link below.
Laser Cataract Surgery is a very hot topic in ophthalmology these days and luckily, we at the Center for Excellence in Eye Care, in Miami, Florida, are on the forefront of this technology. Dr. William Trattler, along with the rest of our cataract surgeons offer this amazing option to their cataract patients.
This technology has changed several steps in what has been the standard cataract surgery procedure for the past 20 years or more.
However, with new technology, comes new protocol and new processes which doctors only get a full grasp of when they are in the full swing of things with new equipment. The surgeons on the forefront inform the surgeons who are debating whether to incorporate this technology into their practice or who just started working with the equipment and need guidance.
In this article, Dr. Trattler explains some intricacies and helps all cataract surgeons working with femtosecond lasers with his insight.
At the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons meeting, Ocular Surgery News gathered an international panel of experts to discuss their experiences with femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery, with the objective of improving the procedure. The second part of that wide-ranging discussion, moderated by William B. Trattler, MD, is featured in this issue of OSN (click on link below)
If you or a loved one have trouble seeing, suffer from blurry vision, are seeing glare from headlights and streetlamps at night, you may be dealing with the beginnings of a cataract. Why see a doctor who will not be able to offer you the best and most state-of-the-art technology? When you need to have surgery that can affect your vision, please think twice about your options.
Please make an appointment to see Dr. Trattler or one of our other surgeons today! You can reach us at our office: 305-598-2020 and we can help schedule you for an evaluation today!