Yesterday, April 30, 2013, Dr. Charles Kaiser was interviewed by local radio station 88.9 FM WDNA Serious Jazz about cataracts, laser cataract surgery and dry eyes.
Dr. Kaiser explained what a cataract is, how it is formed, what causes it, and how it is treated. When he mentioned that age and exposure to UV light are both causes of cataracts, the radio host asked him about how we can appropriately choose the proper sunglasses to protect our eyes from UV damage that can lead to cataracts.
Dr. Kaiser spoke about the latest and greatest in cataract technology, the femtosecond laser for cataract surgery. He was happy to report to the public that we now have this laser available at our Center to treat cataract patients with its supreme technology. It is called the Lensar and you can read more about it on some earlier blog posts. Click here and take a look!
Alot of his interview also focused on dry eye syndrome, the causes, symptoms and most importantly, the available treatments for dry eyes. He discussed artificial tears, punctal plugs and some other options. Dr. Kaiser and our Center also offer Lipiflow for the treatment of dry eyes as well. If you think you suffer from dry eyes, we can help. Some of the symptoms include burning, blurry vision, and even tearing. Dr. Kaiser explained that patients have trouble understanding that their excessive tearing is a sign of dry eye since it seems a bit contradictory…he made a great analogy about how you stand with your face in front of a fan. The fan blowing in your face makes you excessively tear, all the while making your eyes drier.
We believe Dr. Kaiser was a natural on the radio and should be on air more! We plan to post a video on our facebook page for you to be the judge!
If Dr. Kaiser can help you or a loved one with cataracts or dry eyes, please do not hesitate to call our center for an appointment with him at 305-598-2020. Dr. Kaiser sees patients at both of our locations: our main campus at Baptist Hospital in the East Medical Arts Building and our newer location at the West Kendall Baptist Medical Arts Building. Call and schedule a consultation with Dr. Kaiser today!